Nouvelle publication : The Thermochemistry of Alkyne Insertion into a Palladacycle outlines the Solvation Conundrum in DFT.

, par  Yann Cornaton , popularité : 14%

Un nouvel article vient d’être accepté dans European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry pour les membres du LCSOM, en collaboration avec le département de chimie de l’Université de Belgrade. Cet article présente une étude ITC et DFT-D de l’insertion l’alcynes dans un paladacycle. Cette étude met en évidence les limitations des modèles de solvatation par continuum en DFT.

The Thermochemistry of Alkyne Insertion into a Palladacycle outlines the Solvation Conundrum in DFT. [1]

In an effort to determine the thermochemistry of established organometallic transformation, the well documented reaction of alkynes with a palladacycle was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Although the mechanism of the insertion of unsaturated substrates into the Pd-C bond of cyclopalladated compounds is known, so far no information is known about their thermochemistry. The enthalpies of the reactions of Ph-C≡C-Ph and MeOC(O)-C≡C(O)COMe with the bisacetonitrilo salt of the N,N -benzylamine palladacycle were determined by ITC in chlorobenzene after having optimized the conditions to ensure that only the double and a single insertion of alkynes were occuring respectively. The reaction energy profile established by DFT for the double insertion process involving Ph-C≡C-Ph confirmed earlier conclusions on the rate determining character of the first insertion. Further computations of reaction enthalpies reveal significant discrepancies between ITC and DFT-D/continuum solvation enthalpies, that are suspected to arise from an unexpected explicit noncovalent interaction of PhCl with the components of the reaction.



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